My Reddit AMA on Crowd-Funding

Reddit LogoAt the invitation of The Capital Network, I did my first Reddit Ask Me Anything. It was pretty fun. To do an AMA, you hang out for a specified time and anyone on the internet machine can ask you a question. Mine was all about crowd-funding – the new rules, issues, questions, concerns. Some good nuggets in there. You can read through the Q&A here. Or if you are based in the Boston area and want more detail, you can check out the TCN event it was promoting here.

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If you enjoyed this post, you might enjoy my other posts on Angel InvestingCrowd SourcingEntrepreneurship.
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What’s Your Story? Pitch Deck Flow

Oirase Stream

Augustin Rafael Reyes

Competent entrepreneurs can explain their company in terms of what the product does. Good entrepreneurs can explain their company in terms of their customer and their market. Funded entrepreneurs can pitch their company in terms that an investor can relate to.

For most entrepreneurs, it’s not easy or intuitive to put the investor version of the story together. They can talk a blue streak about the product, the customer, maybe the market. But they cannot pitch the business as a good investment in a way the investor can quickly grab onto.
Turns out, there is an easy formula that works nearly universally. The key to this formula is that it covers all the required subjects, but strings them together into a coherent and engaging narrative flow. Once you grok the formula, it all kind of clicks and you suddenly understand what it is you are trying to convey. From then on, it’s easy. (Note in addition to talking about the subjects here, I have also discussed why you should sweat your executive summary here, talked about the importance of keeping a pitch deck lean here, and about the importance of practicing your delivery here.)

[Read more…]

An Angel’s Thanksgiving

Adapted from an article originally published by the author in Inc. Magazine.

Entrepreneurs, let’s be honest: nothing inspires gratitude in the heart of an investor quite like a good, timely exit. Exit liquidity, after all, is the necessary force that makes our collective world go round. But that doesn’t mean Thank youangels don’t appreciate all the other quirky, sometimes fleeting, but always satisfying benefits of working with you along the way. Fact is, we are nothing without you.

“If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share.” W. Clement Stone
“Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.” W.J. Cameron
“On Thanksgiving Day we acknowledge our dependence.” William Jennings Bryan

So during this season of thankfulness, let’s take a moment to consider what angels are thankful to you for. We are thankful for: [Read more…]

Fool Born Every Minute – So You Want To Be An Entrepreneur (Inc. Column)

I’ve been contributing a column at Inc. Magazine devoted to the topic of de-mystifying angels and the early-stage investing process.  A recent piece was a list of key books every would-be and new entrepreneur should read.

booksFool Born Every Minute (So You Think You Want to Be An Entrepreneur?)

Could you be an entrepreneur? A start-to-finish reading list for entrepreneurs and people who think they want to be.

Entrepreneurship has come a long way toward being a better-understood and accessible way of life. But it will never be completely mainstream, because it’s not for everyone. Consider the temperament and skills required. Entrepreneurs need a broad skillset and, equally important, a high degree of awareness about their weaknesses. It’s a lonely, difficult, risky, frustrating, and sometimes scary path to choose.

Do you have what it takes? To help you figure that out, I’ve assembled a list of critical reading every would-be entrepreneur should digest. The list is not comprehensive–I have purposely tried to make it as short as possible. This core set of thoughtful materials will help immensely with decision making about your path and execution of it, if you decide to pursue it.

What’s It Like? What Does It Take?

The first question to resolve is whether you have it in you. Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck by Zappos founder Tony Hsieh (et al) is a very readable exploration of the psychology and temperament of the successful entrepreneur. A good resource for understanding the massive scope of skills necessary is the simply titled Entrepreneurship by William D. Bygrave and Andrew Zacharakis. This book will give you a nuts-and-bolts overview of virtually all aspects of the process (and will serve as a useful desk reference later). If 90 percent of the material in Entrepreneurship seems uninteresting or overwhelming, it’s time to write a résumé.

There Is No I in Team

It has been said that all startup problems are people problems…

[Surf over to Inc. Magazine to finish the story.]

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If you enjoyed this post, you might enjoy my other posts on Angel InvestingEntrepreneurshipVideo Interview Series, or my recent curated links you might have missed on: Big Tech & MobileInternet, IoT, Social, CybersecurityInvesting & Entrepreneurship.

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Career Advice – Grad School Angst

Photo by Bruce Gilbert

Photo by Bruce Gilbert

Not everybody I deal with in the start-up world knows of my secret past-life. To frame this post, it is necessary to come clean and fess up that I am a recovered corporate and securities lawyer. Because I am one of the ones “who got out,” I get a ton of requests give career advice to grad students or speak on career panels. I was even a chapter in a terrific book on the subject.

Since it feels inefficient to repeat myself, and I can help more people by putting it out there in writing, here’s one recent exchange that is so complete and contains so many concepts I repeatedly touch on over and over (including big cosmic themes at the end), that it is worth just republishing verbatim and unedited (except to hide real names). [Read more…]

7 Reasons Why Angel Investing Became Serious Finance (Inc. Column)

I’ve been contributing a column at Inc. Magazine devoted to the topic of de-mystifying angels and the early-stage investing process.  My first piece was on the seismic forces which have slowly but profoundly re-shaped the early stage investing landscape.

pan_WallStreet_373617 Reasons Why Angel Investing Became Serious Finance

Discover the forces converging to make angel investment a serious source of capital for savvy, high-growth focused entrepreneurs.

Why does it seem like angel investing received more press coverage in the last few years than in its first few hundred years combined? Private investing has suddenly become part of mainstream consciousness.

What’s going on? It’s more than just an academic question. As an active angel and co-head of one of the largest and busiest U.S. angel groups, I’ve watched and charted these market changes since the early 1990s.

In just a couple decades a handful of seismic forces affecting early-stage financing have combined to make angel investing a very different business. The result? Angel investors have become a serious source of capital for savvy high-growth entrepreneurs.

Seven key trends have fueled this radical transformation.

[Surf over to Inc. Magazine to finish the story.]

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If you enjoyed this post, you might enjoy my other posts on Angel InvestingEntrepreneurshipVideo Interview Series, or my recent curated links you might have missed on: Big Tech & MobileInternet, IoT, Social, CybersecurityInvesting & Entrepreneurship.

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Pitch Deck Basics

SlideDeckCreating and delivering a great pitch requires both using the right building blocks and putting them together properly. I cover the more advanced topic of crafting an effective deck here, but first you need to understand the building blocks. (If executive summaries are your hang-up, I dealt with them here, and I’ve talked about the importance of keeping a pitch deck lean here, and about the importance of practicing your delivery here.)

Reminder – You Need Two Versions

Before we do anything, we need to be clear about one thing: you should have two different versions of your deck – one that has lots of white space and relatively few words that you use as a back-drop to a live presentation, and one that has enough words that it can stand on its own if you need to email it to someone. Never email the first type or present from the second type. And don’t try to get by on just one version. Both mistakes are going to lead to bad results.


Probably the single most important data to include in your deck is your contact info – list every single means of getting in touch with you. Sounds like a given, but the stories I could tell you… Second helpful thing to consider is a small compact box somewhere with some basic metadata about the company: website, stage of development, capital raised, capital seeking, lawyers, accountants, key investors, date founded.  That meta data can be at the end, but it is pretty handy right at the beginning in a quick facts slide or quick facts box.

Main Contents of Your Deck

What does the deck need  to have in it? The deck should talk about the following items – no more, no less. Any order you think makes sense. And it should cover them in a 10-15 slide deck that can be delivered in 10- 15 minutes:

1. Customer Problem

  • description of customer pain
  • how you solve it – concept & key elements

2. Overview of your Product/Solution

  • what you do & for whom
  • why it’s compelling

3. Key Players:

  • founders & key team members
  • key advisors
  • industry backgrounds, expertise

4. Market Opportunity:

  • market size
  • market growth characteristics
  • market segmentation
  • why you can grow faster than the market and the competition

5. Competitive Landscape

  • current and future competitors
  • detailed chart on competitive feature sets
  • summary of your sustainable competitive advantages

6. Go-To-Market Strategy

  • how you will sell your product/solution

7. Stage of Development & Key Milestones

  • product development
  • customer acquisition
  • partner relationships

8. Critical Risks & Challenges

  • what can go wrong and how you plan to manage it

9. Financial Projections

  • five years out (and you must show Yr5 mid-case, worst case and best case with key assumptions)
  • how much time & money it will take to get to cash flow break-even

10. Exit Options

  • categories of likely buyers
  • rationales
  • list of specific likely buyers
  • comparables with valuation multiples

11. Funding Requirements

  • how much you presently seek
  • how much runway it will give you
  • what you are going to use it for
  • what milestones it will allow you to achieve
  • why your company will be more valuable when you reach each milestone

Beyond that, you really don’t want or need much. You can add an appendix covering some details on certain subjects you want to have handy in case you get asked, but that is about it.  Trying to do much more is not going to make your pitch more effective, it is going to merely draw it out and increase the likelihood that you will not get through it, which can be the kiss of death. Remember details can be drawn out in the Q&A and during subsequent due diligence, so it is not appropriate to go into depth in the pitch; instead you should focus on covering all of the key elements so you get the next meeting.

Couple Final Notes on Mechanical Construction and Delivery

Do not use complicated animations or builds in your deck – they make it very hard to go backwards if you need to. Do not build in any internet-dependent content such as demos or videos – the projecting machine may not be connected to the internet and even if it does have a nice fast connection it may not have a player for your codec or there may be no provision for audio. You should also plan ahead to avoid last minute changes to your deck – planning to “swap in a newer draft” when you arrive can be a mess – AV fumbling while everyone waits for you makes an unprofessional first impression and wastes your presentation time.

You may want to avoid exotic presentation programs like Prezi. Even PowerPoint can be pretty buggy on some machines. Consider converting your deck into PDF format and sending both that and PPT, but check the PDF conversion before sending to make sure it didn’t introduce any embarrassing font substitutions or wacky line breaks. Keep it simple – this pitch is about you as much as anything. Do not plan to spend time on product demos – perhaps a couple screenshots if necessary to understand the product, but you do not have time for demos. Plan for the worst in terms of screen size: do not use any small font sizes – keep it large and legible. And finally, bring multiple copies of your presentation different memory sticks, just in case, as well as your own remote control – one you are familiar with. If it makes more sense to use one that is provided, get familiar with it before starting so you don’t get flustered and make a hash out of your presentation.

Now you can go read about the crafting of an effective and compelling deck.

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If you enjoyed this post, you might enjoy my other posts on Angel InvestingCommunication,  Entrepreneurship, Video Interview Series, or my recent curated links you might have missed on:  Investing & Entrepreneurship.

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Boston: Startups At Work

Boston RocksWhen I think of Boston as a start-up community I am reminded of the beer commercial – though in this case, it might be “tastes great, less hype.” There is an absolute hive of activity going on here – great start-ups, great schools, vibrant investor ecosystem, incubators and accelerators of every kind, and events on a nearly 24×7 basis. But it is not a showy town. Entrepreneurs just try to get after it with an under-promise and over-deliver attitude, and that is what I love about the city.

Not long ago I was interviewed for a documentary on the thriving Boston start-up ecosystem. The idea for the film came about when local entrepreneur and part-time film-maker Warren Anderson heard I had a random busy day in which I ended up scheduled to speak at four completely unrelated entrepreneurship and start-up-oriented events in a single day. It was nuts. So he asked to follow along and see what shook out. It was fun to be part of making a film and I am definitely proud to be part of any project that gets the word out about Boston. Enjoy:

Angels Among Us

Angels Among Us

[Update: Here is a superb deck by Jeff Bussgang on what makes the Boston start-up scene so special as well as a great post he wrote on Boston’s Unicorns (big companies founded here).]

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If you enjoyed this post, you might enjoy: Some Perspective on SEC Rule 506 General SolicitationFunding Startups (Panel Video)Swimming Against the Tide (Angel Investing)Nailing The One Minute PitchHow Do You Define Success?Start-Up Marketing SeriesConstructing a PitchWhy Angels Chase ElectronsBoards vs. Advisory BoardsDelusional EconomicsThat Vision ThingThe Power of An Advisory BoardLoch Ness, Unicorns & The First-Mover AdvantageDoes This Slide Deck Make Me Look Fat?,  The Long Road to Instant SuccessTop Angel Investors in New EnglandAngel Video Interview Series,  Thoughts on CrowdfundingEntrepreneur at Work: Caine’s Arcade,  The Crowdfunding Interview (Frank Peters Show), Getting Off The Ground; Early Formation EconomicsPitch Clinic at MassChallenge (Video)Are Entrepreneurs Wild Risk-Takers?Top 20 Dos & Don’ts with Angel Groups & Early Stage FinancingWhat I Look For In An EntrepreneurThe OverturePick Your Founder/Co-Investors Carefully & Reflections on the Nature of EntrepreneursShould I Wait For A Technical Co-Founder?.   
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Market > Team?

Product Market FitA really smart investor I know named Tom Huntington (who blogs at On Strategy & Execution) likes to make the point that, in a lot of ways, Market ends up being more important than Team in determining the success of a start-up. It’s a variation of the old jockey vs. horse question (for a lot of interesting takes on that, see my video interview series in which I talk to a variety of investors on that point). But instead of looking at product vs. team, Tom is trying to make the point that a poor market is a fatal flaw from which no team can recover.  In his words:

I agree that team is critical, but it is less critical than market.  Great markets can compensate for lackluster teams, but not the reverse.  A non-existent market doesn’t care how smart you are, to paraphrase Andy Rachleff and Marc Andreesen.

I think Tom has a very valid point. (He also makes some great points about the crucial importance of a learning orientation, but I digress.)

But while I essentially agree with Tom, I think of it I don’t think it is as simple as he formulates it: “Market>Team.” Part of my reasoning is based on the knowledge that mediocre teams can find a way screw up even a great market opportunity – every race has DNFs. Or as I sometimes like to observe: “start-ups are always inventing new ways to fail.” Great market conditions can compensate up to a point, but keep in mind, what is a great market for  you, is also a great market for your competitors, and soon those competitors will be exposing any underlying incompetence.

The more important part is that I don’t see it as a question of great teams triumphing in an impossible market. What great teams do is get the heck out of bad markets and find a better way to repurpose the company’s tech or skills or insight in a fast and resource-efficient way.

So while Tom and I are in violent agreement that a crappy market is a fatal blow to any company that is stupid enough to try and stay in it, I feel that it is not a fatal blow to a team smart enough to get the heck out of such a market.  Even if they start out pointed squarely at what turns out to be a bad market, great teams chisel away at their plan until they are pointing at a better one. (Which goes squarely to Tom’s learning orientation point, but that is a story for another day.

Comments, questions or reactions to this post? Leave a note below and I will respond to your questions.
If you enjoyed this post, you might enjoy: Start-Up Marketing SeriesDelusional EconomicsThat Vision ThingThe Power of An Advisory BoardLoch Ness, Unicorns & The First-Mover AdvantageDoes This Slide Deck Make Me Look Fat?,  The Long Road to Instant SuccessEntrepreneur at Work: Caine’s ArcadeGetting Off The Ground; Early Formation EconomicsAre Entrepreneurs Wild Risk-Takers?What I Look For In An EntrepreneurThe OverturePick Your Founder/Co-Investors Carefully & Reflections on the Nature of Entrepreneurs, and Should I Wait For A Technical Co-Founder?
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Chris Dixon: Some thoughts on startup crowdfunding

Chris Dixon just wrote a great post on some of the evaluation issues associated with crowdfunding startups. Like the Fred Wilson piece, it is worth your time, so I am republishing it here (original, with comments can be found here).  If you don’t follow Chris, you should.




Some thoughts on startup crowdfunding

By Chris Dixon

Like a lot of people, I’m excited about crowdfunding, and specifically the crowdfunding of startups now that’s it’s legal in the US. Based on my own experience investing in startups, here are some thoughts and issues that come to mind regarding startup crowdfunding.

1. Startup financings tend toward the extremes of being very oversubscribed or very undersubscribed. If you graphed out investor interest, it would look like a “U”. This is primarily the result of signaling – once a few investors commit (especially high quality ones), other investors pile on. If investors don’t commit, other investors start to wonder what’s wrong. So when you consider startup crowdfunding, it’s important to distinguish the oversubscribed cases from the undersubscribed cases. (Although one counter to this is that the U is the result of an inefficient market – when the crowds get involved valuations will float to their market clearing prices).

2. Historically, startup investing returns have tended to obey power laws (Peter Thiel has a good discussion of this phenomenon here). The vast majority of the returns came from the breakout hits. And if you go back and look at the early financings of breakout hits, a lot of them were hotly contested and oversubscribed. If amateur investors had been trying to invest in those startups via crowdfunding sites, they probably would have been squeezed out. If those amateurs were part of a syndicate, the syndicate lead would have felt pressure to drop them, at least for those hot deals. (Counterargument: the power law is caused by the myopia of traditional investors looking for the next Google. The crowd will be able to find new investments that greatly expand the set of successful startups)

3. Crowdfunding works best when the backers have special knowledge about the project that leads them to fund things that otherwise would have been overlooked or undervalued by traditional investors. This happens, for example, in the Kickstarter video games category, where most of the backers are game enthusiasts. The most promising scenarios for startup crowdfunding are where the backers are potential customers of the product (e.g. HR managers backing new HR software). This could also solve the adverse selection problem, as the startup founders would probably favor these backers over traditional startups investors.

4. When you look at the biggest crowdfunding markets – publicly traded stocks on NYSE, NASDAQ, etc – you find that a) In general, non-professional investors lose money when they try to pick individual stocks. This suggests that something similar to mutual funds would be the best mechanism for amateur participation. b) There is a constant cat-and-mouse game between regulators and sketchy market participants. If this happens with private financings, and more and more rules and regulations get added, many of the advantages of being a private company could go away.

5. Most successful seed investors will say that it is mostly about investing in great people, and it is very hard to evaluate people even after multiple in-person meetings. If founders are going to be evaluated online without in-person meetings, great care has to be taken to make sure the evaluation mechanisms are sufficiently nuanced and reliable. (The counterargument is that this might be true when individual professional investors evaluate startups. In the aggregate, the crowd can outsmart individual professionals even with fewer direct interactions.)

6. One way to look at startup crowdfunding is as the first step in a process that includes additional steps that prevent adverse selection, sketchy behavior etc. For example, a startup I know raised money recently from a single lead investor and then found additional investors via a crowdfunding site. They ended up rejecting many of the interested investors but found a few useful investors that they otherwise wouldn’t have found. In this model crowdfunding looks more like LinkedIn for investors – extremely useful for connecting, but only the first step of a process that includes interviews, reference checks, etc.

Comments, questions or reactions to this post? Leave a note below and I will respond to your questions.
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