Boston: Startups At Work

Boston RocksWhen I think of Boston as a start-up community I am reminded of the beer commercial – though in this case, it might be “tastes great, less hype.” There is an absolute hive of activity going on here – great start-ups, great schools, vibrant investor ecosystem, incubators and accelerators of every kind, and events on a nearly 24×7 basis. But it is not a showy town. Entrepreneurs just try to get after it with an under-promise and over-deliver attitude, and that is what I love about the city.

Not long ago I was interviewed for a documentary on the thriving Boston start-up ecosystem. The idea for the film came about when local entrepreneur and part-time film-maker Warren Anderson heard I had a random busy day in which I ended up scheduled to speak at four completely unrelated entrepreneurship and start-up-oriented events in a single day. It was nuts. So he asked to follow along and see what shook out. It was fun to be part of making a film and I am definitely proud to be part of any project that gets the word out about Boston. Enjoy:

Angels Among Us

Angels Among Us

[Update: Here is a superb deck by Jeff Bussgang on what makes the Boston start-up scene so special as well as a great post he wrote on Boston’s Unicorns (big companies founded here).]

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